This Or That Book Tag

I found this tag on Analee’s blog, Book Snacks, and decided to do it myself. I also recently updated my schedule, Thursdays will now be tag day!


This or That Book Tag

Audio of physical book?
Physical book, I hardly go for audio books :/

Paperback or Hardback?
Paperbacks have more pros to them than hardbacks do. Though I have some hardback copies of my favourite books.

Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction. I hardly read non-fiction, though I love Yes Please by Amy Poehler.

Fantasy world or real life issues?
I’m a contemporary person. I do love reading fantasy though I prefer real life issues.

Harry Potter or Twilight?
Harry Potter! Hands down!

Borrow or buy?
Depends. If it’s a book that I’ve been anticipating, I will most likely buy it. I usually borrow books from my school library if I can’t find it in a bookstore or I don’t yet have the money to buy a book.

Monster reads or short & sweet?
Short & sweet. Though it depends on the mood I’m in so I do pick up a ‘monster read’ every now and then.

Starry eyed romance or full of action?
Depends on my mood though I lean more towards starry eyed romance. Full of action books are hard to read and understand what’s going on when I’m not in a very very focused mood.

Curl up in your snuggle or bathe in the sun?
Curl up in my snuggle 🙂 I’m not a very summer person.

Coffee or tea?
Coffee all the way ❤


I tag the first 5 people I see on my reader feed 🙂 :

Wesaun @ Oreos & Books
Makayla @ Random Reads!
Chantal @ CK’s Reading Corner
Astra @ A Stranger’s Guide to Novels
Katrina @ Kaleidoscope of Books



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